
WampServer Hosting

about 6 mont开发者_运维技巧hs ago I got into coding, and I've always wanted to start my own game just for fun on the side.

I have wampserver on my computer, and was wondering if that server could publicly host things on the internet?

You need to:

  • Make sure your server is available on the internet. If you have a router or firewall you may need to open it up.
  • If you want to have a domain name you need to register that.
  • If your ISP can give you a static IP address then ask for that.
  • Whether you have a static IP or a dynamic one then you can use a service such as DynDNS to link the domain name to the IP address.

Yes, you can use your WAMPserver to allow people to publicly access your site.

From some quick googling, I didn't find any instructions, just that it was possible.

I just put a wamp server up on a box in my house just for funsies. Here is a wampserver forum post with links to the info you seek.
Here is the basic rundown though:
Open up your router to port 80 and forward it to the box you are serving on.
Get setup on a DNS server, I used freedns.afraid.org.
In wamp you are gonna set apache to use virtual hosts (this is in the link).
After that you should be cool.





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