
Dependencies Symfony2

I'm wondering if there is a proper way to check the dependencies.

For example I've got a NewsBundle. Now 开发者_JS百科I'll have to check if there is a CommentBundle. If there is one, it should execute a few more Code.

Any suggestions?

In addition to markymark's answer, you can check if a specific service exists from your controller (or any other container-aware code) with the following snippet:

if ($this->container->has('foo_service.alias'))
    // service is loaded and usable

If you're not sure of the exact alias of a given service, or just for kicks and giggles, you can run the console command php app/console container:debug to see all services registered with the container.

You could use class_exists on the main Bundle class that every bundle should have.

For example:

if (class_exists('Acme\CommentBundle\AcmeCommentBundle'))
    // Bundle exists and is loaded by AppKernel...

The Kernel class contains a list of helper methods to check if a certain class is part of an active bundle or if a bundle is registered.

public BundleInterface[] getBundles()
    Gets the registered bundle instances.

public bool isClassInActiveBundle(string $class)
    Checks if a given class name belongs to an active bundle.




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