CKEditor + Yii loaded with AJAX : $_POST doesn't contain the updated value
in short:
i'm using Yii Framework
i have a one Ckeditor window on my page ( php/ yii framework - works fine)
when i hit a button, a new CKeditor window is being generated and shown through AJAX call
THE PROBLEM: this new CKEditor window correctly displays the text stored in the database BUT : when i hit "Save" (an ajax button generated together with the rest of the form) the values from this new CKeditor window will not save : CKeditor sends back the old values that it got from the database.
When i remove the Ckeditor and leave the plain <textarea>
: everything is ok so i know that the controller is fine.
Please, anybody went through something like this?
Sounds like a typical post-AJAX JS binding issue. :) There are a few possibilities for how to fix it, depending on what is going wrong.
This post in the Yii forum should be money for you, it's where I got most of these suggestions:
- Use a widgetized Yii extension which has already solved this problem (NHCKEditor?)
- Add an onClick callback to the submit button which saves the CKEditor content to the hidden
'textarea' ('onclick'=>'CKEDITOR.instances.TEXTAREA_ID.updateElement()',
- Use jQuery to get the data from the CKEditor iFrame to use... wherever. AJAX validation, etc.
Good luck!
You can let CKEDITOR update the textarea before validating, and clientside/ajax validation will work as expected:
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'enableAjaxValidation' => true, // one or both
'enableClientValidation' => true, // one or both
'clientOptions' => array(
'validateOnSubmit' => true, // optional
'beforeValidate' => new CJavaScriptExpression('function(form) {
for(var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instances) {
return true;
)); ?>