DWR enabling logging in grails?
I'm using DWR3, but I have no idea how to get logging working. No matter what I do, I can't seem to see any DWR3 output as I attempt to debug a marshalling issue. How do I enable logging?
开发者_运维百科debug 'org.directwebremoting.log.*'
info 'com.example.b'
debug 'com.example.a'
// Example of changing the log pattern for the default console
// appender:
appenders {
console name: 'stdout', layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%-5p: %c - %m%n')
What's going on here?
Not an exact answer, but you can get better logging of information on the front-end with this configuration:
<dwr:convert class="java.lang.Exception" type="exception"/>
<dwr:convert class="java.lang.StackTraceElement" type="bean"/>