Remove words from a cell that aren't in a list
I want to remove some words that aren't in a separate list from an excel list. Someone gave me an example with Find/Replace, but i need the exact opposite, meaning that i want to keep the words in the list and remove the other. Also if a word is removed, I would have more than 1 space开发者_StackOverflow so i would need to remove multiple spaces.
Can anyone give me an example?
Thanks, Sebastian
Initial cell contents: word1 word2 word3 word4
Cell contents after script: word2 word4
My list contains: word2, word4, word7, ...
This works:
Sub words()
Dim whitelist() As Variant
Dim listToScreen As Variant
Dim screenedList As String
Dim itsInTheWhitelist As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
' Words to keep
whitelist = Array("word2", "word4", "word7")
' Input old cell contents, split into array using space delimiter
listToScreen = Split(Range("A1").Value, " ")
screenedList = ""
For i = LBound(listToScreen) To UBound(listToScreen)
' Is the current word in the whitelist?
itsInTheWhitelist = False
For j = LBound(whitelist) To UBound(whitelist)
If listToScreen(i) = whitelist(j) Then
itsInTheWhitelist = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If itsInTheWhitelist = True Then
' Add it to the screened list, with space delimiter if required
If Not screenedList = "" Then
screenedList = screenedList & " "
End If
screenedList = screenedList & listToScreen(i)
End If
Next i
'Output new cell contents
Range("A2").Value = screenedList
End Sub
Using a Scripting.Dictionary and a RegExp will cost two references, but will avoid a N*N loop:
' needs ref to Microsoft Scripting Runtime,
' Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Option Explicit
Sub frsAttempt()
Dim sInp As String: sInp = "word1 word2 word3 word4"
Dim aInp As Variant: aInp = Split(sInp)
Dim sExp As String: sExp = "word2 word4"
Dim sLst As String: sLst = "word2, word4, word7"
Dim aLst As Variant: aLst = Split(sLst, ", ")
Dim dicGoodWords As New Dictionary
Dim nIdx
For nIdx = 0 To UBound(aLst)
dicGoodWords(aLst(nIdx)) = 0
For nIdx = 0 To UBound(aInp)
If Not dicGoodWords.Exists(aInp(nIdx)) Then
aInp(nIdx) = ""
End If
Dim sRes As String: sRes = Join(aInp)
Dim reCleanWS As New RegExp
reCleanWS.Global = True
reCleanWS.Pattern = "\s+"
sRes = Trim(reCleanWS.Replace(sRes, " "))
Debug.Print sExp
Debug.Print sRes
Debug.Print sRes = sExp
End Sub
word2 word4
word2 word4
The dictionary could be filled from a WorkSheet's column.