
Which browsers should my website work perfectly on

I want to learn the best and most effective way to test my website in different browsers, and therefore if the website does not render to my satisfaction I would like to be aware of how to improve t开发者_如何学JAVAhe website and how far can the improvements go: for example, if something does not work in IE, I would like to be able to take a judgement of whether this "something" can be improved or whether that is just the price IE users have to pay.

1) which browsers should I test my website on

2) which browsers should I have installed (in windows)?

3) is there any "must know" website which explains the way the above browsers work (or would I get enough information through searching on google)

Thanks for you help

Simple answer of your question is available on this link:


Above link will show you clear statistics of browsers.

Moreover is that that

1) which browsers should I test my website on Ans: it depends upon your audience and you should at least test on top browsers i.e. IE 8, FireFox and Chrome

2) which browsers should I have installed (in windows)?

Answer: All possible. 3) is there any "must know" website which explains the way the above browsers work (or would I get enough information through searching on google)

Answer: w3c will surely help you in this regard.

Regards husnain

Consider Selenium HQ. It's an automated testing tool that let's you script tests using Firefox, Chrome, and IE.

This link will be very helpfull:


Basically should be these ones:

  • Firefox 6
  • Chrome 22
  • Explorer 8
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 11




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