
How to load the custom field values of the post via ajax in wordpress

I am not a php programer and don't know anything about data fetching, but i am trying to make a template that loads the custom field values of the post via ajax in wordpress the reason i would like to load the values using aj开发者_开发知识库ax is because those fields contain lot of texts and image links so if they preloaded it will take lots of time to load whole page.

I wrote a plugin for you! First download and install ajax-custom from the URL below. When the plugin is activated, insert the following template tag in your theme everywhere you need these AJAX-loaded custom-fields. Don't forget to replace NAME OF THE FIELD with the actual name of the custom field you want to load via AJAX.

if( function_exists( 'ac_placeholder' ) )
    ac_placeholder( 'NAME OF THE FIELD' );

→Download ajax-custom

I hope it helps you and maybe also someone else. I would appreciate a thumbs up. :)





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