Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android [closed]
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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionJust known Samsung support RTL for Samsung android device:
Anyone known other free RTL for other mobile device as HTC, LG, ... etc
UPDATE2: [08/07/2011] Thanks denis.solonenko
1.LG Mobile:
2.Motorola Mobile:
3.Sony Mobile:
I am not able to comment, so i need to answer here...
I tested Perfecto Mobile with the free trial and i just think its slow as hell, i just wanted to test the automation feature, which is not provided in the free trial.
But the Samsung RTL is really nice. Why i wanted to comment is to tell you, that RTL works with OSX quite fine and as stated above there is Screen Orientation now. Testing Samsung devices works really nice this way.
The LG Link is dead.
In addition to the Samsung, LG, and Motorola links you already posted, I just found a service by Perfecto Mobile that has a free trial. And, since I'm making a list, here's a service by DeviceAnywhere that's not free.
Of course, there are many companies that will test your apps for you, but I thought Duarlander was neat because it was comunity-based. And, if you're looking for cheap testing, TestingAndroid claims to test for $19.
These are just some free/cheap options, mostly where you do your own testing. Obviously there are many big companies out there that would love to "work with you" on testing (for a price).
If you want to use it on Mac OSX, here's what I found successful...
- Ignore the "test" on the main RTL page, but make sure you have the latest Java installed.
- On the RTL page, sign up for the device, model, amount of testing time, etc. A .jnlp file will be downloaded to your local machine.
- Double-click the .jnlp file, and Java should load it and show the RTL device.
If you are just looking for online emulator match every current Android OS version & screen size. then try
If you are looking for emulators and real devices from different vendors like motorola, htc, samsung and co. you can try (Disclaimer: I'm cofounder of testobject)