
JSF2 ajax tag throws unknown javascript error in Internet Explorer

Having this lines of code:

<h:commandLink value="Reset Filter" styleClass="button">
  <f:ajax event="click" render="filterWindowDiv 开发者_如何学编程tableX" listener="#{beanX.reset}" />

and as well as with:

<h:commandLink value="Reset Filter" styleClass="button">
  <f:ajax event="click" render="@all" listener="#{beanX.reset}" />

an unknown error will be thrown in Internet Explorer 8:

Object doesn't support this property or method         pageX.jsf, line1 character 7

The h:commandLink is within a o:window (OpenFaces 3).

However, I do get the same error if I am using the same lines of code for example for a Delete button which shows after invoking a bean method a o:popupLayer.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

I've had JavaScript code within my div which must be rendered adhoc while re-render a part of the page. However, it seems IE cannot handle that issue while FF don't mind. I think to remember I've read something something about this. Anyway, since I've removed the JavaScript error is gone.

But how to invoke my JavaScript code after rendering? I've solved it like this example:

<h:commandLink value="Reset Filter" styleClass="button">
  <f:ajax event="click" render="@all" listener="#{beanX.reset}" 
          onevent="callback" />

Callback method:

function callback(data) {
  data.status == "success") {
    // your JavaScript code

Thanks again for all your help!

The problem here lies with click event of <h:commandLink>

Don't know the possible cause, but using mousedown will hopefully solve your problem.





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