How to set Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition to true?
I have an many class with BeginDate and EndDate properties, I want to build generic method that return one object as List of the same type but with BeginDate=EndDate
Item.BeginDate = 2011-05-01 , Item.EndDate = 2011-05-03
the result must be
Item1.BeginDate = 2011-05-01 , Item1.EndDate = 2011-05-01
Item2.BeginDate = 2011-05-02 , Item2.EndDate = 2011-05-02
Item3.BeginDate = 2011-05-03 , Item3.EndDate = 2011-05-03
I tried the following code
<Extension()> _
Public Function GetRatesPerDay(Of T As Class)(ByVal oldRatesList As List(Of T)) As List(Of T)
If oldRatesList Is Nothing OrElse oldRatesList.Count = 0 Then
Return New List(Of T)
End If
Dim ratesIn开发者_开发百科Days As New List(Of T)
Dim oldBeginDate = oldRatesList.Where(Function(D) D IsNot Nothing).Min(Function(D) GetType(T).GetProperty("BeginDate", GetType(DateTime)).GetValue(D, Nothing))
Dim oldEndDate = oldRatesList.Where(Function(D) D IsNot Nothing).Max(Function(D) GetType(T).GetProperty("EndDate", GetType(DateTime)).GetValue(D, Nothing))
Dim currentDay As DateTime = oldBeginDate
Dim typeArgs() As Type = {GetType(DateTime), GetType(DateTime), GetType(Nullable(Of Double)), GetType(String), GetType(HUMPSBaseClasses.RoomRateType)}
Dim constructed As Type = GetType(T).MakeGenericType(typeArgs)
While currentDay <= oldEndDate
Dim dayRate = (From D In oldRatesList _
Where D IsNot Nothing _
AndAlso currentDay >= GetType(T).GetProperty("BeginDate", GetType(DateTime)).GetValue(D, Nothing) _
AndAlso currentDay <= GetType(T).GetProperty("EndDate", GetType(DateTime)).GetValue(D, Nothing) _
Select New With {.NightRate = GetType(T).GetProperty("NightRate", GetType(Nullable(Of Double))).GetValue(D, Nothing), _
.RatePlanID = GetType(T).GetProperty("RatePlanID", GetType(System.String)).GetValue(D, Nothing), _
.RoomRateType = GetType(T).GetProperty("RoomRateType", GetType(HUMPSBaseClasses.RoomRateType)).GetValue(D, Nothing) _
If dayRate IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tempRate As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed)
tempRate = New With {.BeginDate = currentDay, _
.EndDate = currentDay, _
.NightRate = dayRate.NightRate, _
.RatePlanID = dayRate.RatePlanID, _
.RoomRateType = dayRate.RoomRateType}
End If
currentDay = currentDay.AddDays(1)
End While
Return ratesInDays
End Function
but I faced a problem that Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition
of my classes is false.
How can I set it to true?
You can't. That is a read-only property.
You're getting false
because the class isn't generic. Only your method is.
You should be able to reflect on the type and retrieve your MethodInfo. You can then use either MethodInfo.IsGenericMethod
or MethodInfo.IsGenericMethodDefinition
Your other option would be to modify the class to be generic, but that would be overkill since this is (I'm guessing here) the only method that needs the generic parameter.
You can't set the value of this property - it is read-only.