
how to change a partiuclar model data in backbone.js

e.g. I have a model in Backbone.js Content and collection of this model Contents.

the model has attribute

{ id:1 , name:'rahul ',age: 27 }

now if i want to update the model with id=1 in my collection then what will be the code ? e.g i want to update name from rahul to mehta .

 Content = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize: function() {
Contents = Backbone.Collection.extend({  
  model : Content,
  initialize: function(models, args) {
        console.log('in contents'+this.length);

what will be the code for this .?

How i will get the model from my collection of models ?

{id:1,name:mehta ,age : 27 }

and then i need to update the content of that ?should i 开发者_开发知识库need to change the complete data to the model or part of data only i need to update ?

For your first question:

 var rahul = contents.get(1);
 rahul.set({name: "mehta"});

Second question: this within initialize would be the collection.

Last question: you update what you want to update on the model using the set function of the model.

Please read the documentation: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/





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