
php mysql jquery Select One Item from a form list and set the value of "1" to a field the rest set to "0"

i have been struggling.

I have a FORM that has a list of items. I only want to allow the selection of one item from this list and mark the item in my database as featured. I have tried radio buttons as well but the input name is different for each.


  <td class="right"><input name="top_cat[<?php echo $cat['cat_id']; ?>][featured]" type="checkbox" class="featured" value="<?php echo $cat['featured'] ?>"  />

Jquery on form:

    $(function() {

    if($(this).val() == 1){




In my mysql update:

                foreach ($data['top_cat'] as $cat_id => $value) {

$this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "cat SET featured='" . $this->db->escape($value['featured']) . "' WHERE cat_id = '" . (int)$cat_id . "'");


This works to a degree, it adds the value of "1" to the database for the item but leaves the previously checked item as "1", it needs to be "0".

I am sure i am over complicating this, any help or nudges in the right direction would appreciated.

POST will contain only the checked checkboxes, so your foreach loop is probably just looping once.

Use a radio button with the one name like top_cat, the value will hold the $cat['cat_id']. Now once you submit read the selected radio button with something like $_POST['top_cat'] or $data['top_cat']

Use radio button like:

<input name="top_cat" type="radio" class="featured" value="<?php echo $cat['cat_id'] ?>"  />

and remove the loop and use php like:

$selected = (int)$data['top_cat'];
$this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "cat SET featured='1' WHERE cat_id = $selected ");

// set all others to non-featured
$this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "cat SET featured='0' WHERE cat_id != $selected ");

I am not sure how your database is setup but i think this should do the trick

i think because it is updating only currently selected item ,

so you need to run the update query which update to 0 all the previous item.

Try this:

$this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "cat SET featured='1' WHERE cat_id = '" . (int)$cat_id . "'");

foreach ($data['top_cat'] as $cat_id => $value) { 
  $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "cat SET featured='0' WHERE cat_id = '" . (int)$cat_id . "'");




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