
Fixing a problem in Eclipse

I have this problem with my Eclipse:

When I create a new type and I write "." after it's name to get all the methods that relate to it, nothing happens.

For example:

int[] exmp= new in开发者_如何转开发t [5];

I don't get any of the methods that relate to array.

Another example:

Public class Example{
 private int example;

I don't get an automatic completion for this.example

Does somenoe know how to fix it? Thank you.

Excerpt from this helpful link. This fixed it for me about 2 hours ago.

Configure Eclipse’s content assist, go “Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced“. Make sure “Other Java Proposals” is ticked

Perhaps related to the build path. I've tried this after changing the location of my android sdk. My project properties/Libraries was still pointing to the wrong location. Editing it with the correct path fixed it.

Have you got your Auto Activation settings turned on?

You need to make sure that the "." character is present - I normally enter all letters on the keyboard so I get content assist quickly. You can see it in the "Auto activation triggers for Java" box below:

Fixing a problem in Eclipse

Are you using the Java editor? It sounds like you are just using Eclipse text editor. Try saving the file as *.java and reopening. That should make sure you are using the right editor.





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取 消

