
How to compare locale String's in GWT?

yeah, because GWT not support java.text.Collator (and java.uti开发者_如何学JAVAl.Locale also) ;/

Any solutions?

I found this solution which uses javascript. This is because GWT doesn't support Collator.


public class Collator {

   public static final Collator getInstance() {
      return instance;

   private static final Collator instance = new Collator();

   public native int compare( String source, String target ); /*-{
     return source.localeCompare( target );

I have never used it personally, but it looks promising. You might have to make changes so that there are no cross browser issues.

Read up on JSNI.
This allows GWT to invoke raw "javascript" code within your Java code. This is what we are doing in the above class. The method "compare" makes a native call to javascript.

Add Collator.java to your current work space.

You should be able to compare as follows.

Collator customCollator = Collator.getInstance();
if ( customCollator.compare( srcString , targetString ) > 0 )
     //the compare method will return an int.
     // write your code here.

Hope this helps.

the easiest way is to add a locale property to the constants class.

I have a GeneralConstants class which is defined like so

import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Constants;

public interface GeneralConstants extends Constants {

   @DefaultStringValue( "de" )
   String locale();

in every constants class I can inherit the locale and I can easily define it in every language

to know what locale I'm in. I just call the attribute

private static GeneralConstants c = GWT.create( GeneralConstants.class );


formData.getForm().getName( c.locale() )

there is also a way to get the currently set locales but I can't remember :-)





验证码 换一张
取 消

