MySQL Add Numbers
I have db with company id numbers and employers, now i need to know who is first, second ... employer entered in db. For this I need to add number for each one like this:
CompanyID NameOfEmp PositionInDB
111 Emp1 1
111 Emp2 2
111 Emp3 3
112 Emp1 1
112 Emp2 2
113 Em开发者_运维问答p1 1
114 Emp1 1
114 Emp2 2
Tables are stored in an undefined order. In order to define a position, you have to define an order yourself. This example assigns an order based on the name of the employee. It will number employees alfabetically per company:
select *
, (
select count(*) + 1
from YourTable yt2
where yt2.CompanyID = yt1.CompanyID
and yt2.NameOfEmp < yt1.NameOfEmp
) as PositionInDb
from YourTable yt1
Since you're using MySQL, you could also use a variable:
set @num = 1;
select CompanyID
, NameOfEmp
, @num := if(@last_comp = CompanyID, @num + 1, 1) as PositionInDb
, @last_comp := CompanyID as dummy
from YourTable
order by
, NameOfEmp
Variables are fast and easy, but not portable, and most DBA's dislike them.