
How to Replace All Occurrences of Carriage Return Using Ant

I am trying to replace all occurrences of a carriage return ("\x0D") using a simple ant task, all *.sh files in the test directory. It does not seem to do the trick.

This is my script; am I doing something wrong? (It seems the global开发者_开发百科 flag, g, does not help either)

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<project name="myproject" default="cr_remover" basedir=".">
  <target name="cr_remover">
    <replaceregexp match="\x0D" replace="" flags="g" byline="true">
      <fileset dir="."><include name="**/*.sh"/></fileset> 

This will work:

<replaceregexp match="\x0D" replace="" flags="sg">

May I ask why you are not using FixCRLF task?

<fixcrlf srcdir="." includes="**/*.sh"

From the apache replaceregexp man page

<replaceregexp match="\s+" replace=" " flags="g" byline="true">
    <fileset dir="${html.dir}" includes="**/*.html"/>

Note that you have

 <fileset dir="."><include name="**/*.sh"/></fileset>

I'm not enough of an ant person to know if that is what is causing your problem.

I hope this helps.

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    How to Replace All Occurrences of Carriage Return Using Ant





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