PostBack problem in menu
In my menu I have one item who has sub menus, in IE and Mozilla when i cross over that item its displays other sub menus,and in navigate link writes real path ..localhost...item.aspx , but in Chrome, when i cross it over in bottom left navigate link write this javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$NavigationMenu','o\\Projects'),
and in my code i dont have javascript anywhere. And when i click on that item menu ,my menu lost, but onlt on that item menu i have, 3 more and they work normaly, onlt this with sub menu doesnt work.
SO if any have some ideas, please write it.
<div class="background">
<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" CssClass="NavigationMenu" StaticDisplayLevels="2" DynamicHorizontalOffset="1" StaticSubMenuIndent="1px" MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels="4" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticPopOutImageUrl="" DataSourceID="MenuSource" runat="server" Height="30px">
<StaticMenuItemStyle ItemSpacing="10" CssClass="staticMenuItemStyle" />
<StaticHoverStyle CssClass="staticHoverStyle" />
<StaticSelectedStyle CssClass="staticMenuItemSelectedStyle" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle CssClass="dynamicMenuItemStyle" />
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="menuItemMouseOver" />
<DynamicMenuStyle CssClass="menuItem" />
<DynamicSelectedStyle CssClass="menuItemSelected" />
<asp:MenuItemBinding DataMember="siteMapNode" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="title" ToolTipField="description" />
<siteMap xmlns="" >
<siteMapNode url="~/Default.aspx" title="Home" description="Home" accesskey="H" />
<siteMapNode url="#" title="Projects" description="Projects" accesskey="P">
<siteMapNode url="~/Seed.aspx" title="SEED" description="SEED" accesskey="S" />
<siteMapNode url="~/SEMS.aspx" title="SEMS" description="SEMS" accesskey="M"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/IPR.aspx" title="IPR" description="IPR" accesskey="P"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/Beneficiaries.aspx" title="Beneficiaries" description="Beneficiaries"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/About.aspx" title="About" description="About" accesskey="T" />
<siteMapNode url="~/Contacts.aspx" title="Contact" description="Contact" accesskey="E" />
if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("AppleWebKit") > 0)
i found this, and write it in master page.cs in load page , and everything works well. This helps to render menu in Safari and Chrome .