In SQL, how find the total of a row over time?
A table and开发者_StackOverflow中文版 I want to know the total of my rows over time. For example. Here's my table:
Date Fruit Sold Mon apple 4 Mon pear 5 Mon orange 2 Tues apple 3 Tues pear 2 Tues orange 1 The table I want back is: Fruit Sold apple 7 pear 7 orange 3
What is a query that I can do this? However, with my real situation, I have hundreds of types of fruit. So how do I query with out specifying each type of fruit each time?
That would be along the lines of:
select fruit, sum(sold) as sold
from fruitsales
group by fruit
-- adding something like <<where date = 'Mon'>> if you want to limit it.
This will aggregate the individual sold
columns (by summing) for each fruit
here is how to do it:
select fruit, sum(sold)
from table
group by fruit
Group by Time
select fruit, sum(sold),substring(saletime,1,3) from table group by fruit,substring(saletime,1,3)