FullCalendar - Pass Select Function to Div
This may sound rather simple but how do you pass the variables of the SELECT function to populate a div form?
I've successfully set up FC and use the SELECT function to trigger the appearance of a form "new_event".
select: function( startDate, endDate, allDay, jsEvent, view) {
I now need to populate the form with the startDate etc. Once completed the form will then ma开发者_StackOverflowke the necessary changes to a mySQl backend via PHP.
Here is my select which generates the add event form
select: function(start, end, allDay) {
var calendars = getAjaxData('calendar/calendarsJson');
var txt = '<h3>Dodaj nov dogodek:</h3>\n\
<div class="clear"></div>\n\
<p><label>'+CI.lang.language.what+':</label><input type="text" name="title" value="" /></p>\n\
<p><label>'+CI.lang.language.where+':</label><input type="text" name="location" value="" /></p>\n\
<p><textarea name="description"></textarea></p>';
txt += '<p><label>'+CI.lang.language.calendar+':</label>\n\
<select name="id_calendar">';
for(i=0;i<calendars.length;i++) {
txt += '<option value="'+calendars[i].id_calendar+'">'+calendars[i].title+'</option>';
txt += '</select></p>';
txt += '<br />';
//txt += '<input type="button" value="'+CI.lang.language.create_event+'" />'
var btns = {};
btns[CI.lang.language.create_event] = true
btns[CI.lang.language.cancel] = false;
callback: dodaj,
buttons: btns
function dodaj(v,m,f){
if(f && v){
var classN = getAjaxData('calendar/getClassJson/'+f.id_calendar);
var nEvent = {
title: f.title,
description: f.description,
location: f.location,
start: start,
end: end,
allDay: allDay,
className: classN,
id_calendar: f.id_calendar
if (f.title) {
false // make the event "stick"
Here is the addEvent function which submits new data to db using JSON:
function addEvent(event) {
var start = my_convertDate(new Date(event.start));
var end;
if(event.end === null) {
end = start;
} else {
end = my_convertDate(new Date(event.end));
event.allDay = 1
} else {
event.allDay = 0;
var eventData = {
start_date : start.date,
start_time : start.time,
end_date : end.date,
end_time : end.time,
id_event : event.id,
all_day : event.allDay,
title: event.title,
className: event.className,
location: event.location,
description: event.description,
id_calendar: event.id_calendar
makeAjaxRequest('event/addEventJson', eventData);