
Using jQuery and php to pull data from database

I have a page that is pulling data through jQuery but it is only pulling the return code. Here is my code:

<scrip开发者_如何学Got type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>
function showCU() {
$.post('getCU.php', {
cuid: $('#cuContact').val()
function (response) {

$select = "SELECT priContact, priEmail, priPhone FROM user WHERE id = '" . $_POST['id'] . "'";
$query = mysql_query($select) or die ("Could not get info: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
    while ($get = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $priContact = $get['priContact'];
    echo $priContact;
    echo $get['priEmail'] . " | " . $get['priPhone'];
} else {
    echo "No users";

So the call is pulling from getCU.php whenever the onchange event handler is called. That is why this is in a function. What I want to do is every time a user chooses something from the option list the text values change according to what was selected. I have the php page pulling from a db and echoing out the code correctly. jQuery id pulling the data from the php page correctly, but I cannot get the code to place the single details in each of the text boxes.

So what I want to happen is this: A user selects a name from a drop-down box. Then the mysql data attached to that name would be displayed on the page in form text fields.

Let me know if more information or code is needed.

I think you'll be better off structuring your data. My general recommendation is JSON.

// QUICK WARNING:  Don't take unparse GET/POST responses.  
// This is asking for trouble from SQL injection.
$select = "SELECT priContact, priEmail, priPhone FROM user WHERE id = '" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['id']) . "'";
$query = mysql_query($select) or die ("Could not get info: " . mysql_error());
$retVal = array();
if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
    $retVal['data'] = array();
    while ($get = mysql_fetch_array($query)) 
        $retVal['data'][] = $get;
} else {
    $retVal['error'] = 'No users';
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($retVal);


<script type="text/javascript">
function showCU() {
   $.post('getCU.php', {
       cuid: $('#cuContact').val(),
     function (response) {
       if (response.error) {
         //handle error




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