
Eraser equivalent for a drawing app, c#, silverlight, wp7

I'm working on a simple drawing app to further advance my skills and I can't seem to开发者_JAVA技巧 get the logic down for an eraser tool. The app simply uses the Line class to create lines as the user moves their finger. For the eraser tool I tried using the VisualTreeHelper as follows:

List<UIElement> elements = (List<UIElement>)VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(e.GetPosition(tree), ContentPanelCanvas);

            foreach (UIElement element in elements)
                if (element is Line)

It at some points but can be very slow and laggy. Sometimes I would have to touch the area more than 5 times to get rid of the line there.

Is there an alternative to this?

The e.GetPosition(tree) will be returning a point. Try instead using a Rect with the position as its center.

const double fingerMargin = 10.0;

Point p = e.GetPosition(tree);
Rect r = new Rect(p.X - fingerMargin, p.Y - fingerMargin, fingerMargin * 2, fingerMargin * 2); 

var elements = VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(r, ContentPanelCanvas);

Line lineToRemove = elements.OfType<Line>().FirstOrDefault();
if (lineToRemove != null)

Note don't cast the result of FindElementsInHostCoordinates to List<T>, that is an implementation detail, the documentation only guarantees it to be an IEnumerable<UIElement>, besides which it is an unnecessary cast.

You are actually looking for the set of elements that match the hit test of a single pixel. If your lines are narrow, then it's like a needle in a haystack; it's very hard to hit the line precisely to remove it.

Instead you need to use a fuzzy match using a rectangle instead of a point. You can use the same API, just the rectangle version of it:

  • VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates Method (Rect, UIElement)

VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(r, MainCanvas); Is not returning any Elements.





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