Two div element next to each other (For page header)
I am trying to make something look like following (don't concern color here. my concern here is the shape);
I tried something with following code but didn't succeed! <html>
<style type="text/css">
#header{border:3px solid gray;padding:10px;}
#header-left-container{border:1px solid gray;float:left;width:30%;}
#header-right-container{border:1px solid gray;float:right;width:69%;}
<div id="header">
<div id="header-left-container">
<div id="header-right-container">
bla bla bla.....
I know this can be done with table easily but I don't wanna use table in my application where I can do the same with div elements.
any suggestion here?
What you need to do is clearing the area arround the 2 floated divs. Doing this by modern technuiqe is giving the parent the property of Overflow:Hidden or Auto (what ever fitting you more. I recommend hidden)
In the past people user clearfix (google on that). Todays we use that approach.
As well people used to put clear:both after the creation of the two elements. That has a negative side- 1 more element in the dom.
You need to add overflow:auto;
to the #header css; without that divisions don't expand to contain floated elements.
your code looks fine...
Just Add clearfix after floating divs so as they will be contained inside the parent object like:
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<br style="clear:both" />
after second div. Or make the container div float: left. Or use one of the css frameworks if You don't want to become css master before You create a webpage. One is
Do you use firebug? go on and see how they have defined a left and a right container is the style sheet . They're not using table to implement it. just div
Just replace the float: right;
declaration with a margin-left: 30%;
declaration for #header-right-container
. You don't need to float both of them. This way, you will only need to clear floats if the left block is taller than the right block. See this fiddle.