
c# what wpf control to use for showing text file

Whats the best control to use in wpf applicaion for loading big text files i开发者_如何学Gonto? And its not just simple as that, i need to be able to hightlight/change background/color of some lines. I was thinking of using RichTextBox.. but though i just come and ask what other people think.

I dont need to edit the text, just highlight lines with errors

EDIT: Ah i forgot to mention, text file content is processed by the program what will change the background color of some lines. Would be nice to give user a change to do that allso when the program failes to find some error lines.

EDIT2: The application is for parsing log files, so the files might be big, over 50 000 lines..

I didn't understand if you only want to display files or allow user to edit them.

Either way, maybe ScintillaNET would be useful to you.

Well known text editor, Notepad++ uses Scintilla :)

You could grab notepad++ sources at http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/, but It's written in c++, so the API would be a bit different than in .NET.


Notepad++ is capable of displaying files of around 100-200MB. If you need better than that, you would need to implement some kind of paging technology/virtual mode (do not load entire file, only the portion that would be displayed on the screen depending on current scrollbar position)

If Scintilla seems an overkill, then maybe you'd be better off with simply building a DataGrid. If log entries consist of several fields, these could become columns and would be even easier to read. If you want to go that route, first parse your log file into a List of LogEntry, then use databinding to bind to it. You could read your file incrementally as new lines get added for better user experience.

I think RichTextBox will be most appropriate in this case but as CharithJ said you cannot load whole log in to it at one time it will be too much performance hit.

What I would do in scenario like this is .. I will have a Richtextbox along with two small up and down buttons for kind of scroll. I will only load some text of log at one time let's say x number of characters. Once user clicks the up or down scroll button, I would remove some text from start and end depending on which button user have clicked, up or down and based on that I would remove some text from richbox and append some other.

Either you can do something like I suggested above, or one other way could be to extend the RichTextBox control and implement logic that only forwards a limited text to RichTextBox for display at a time. You can handle scroll related events to make changes in RichTextBox's content.





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