Prolog - divide list into 3 parts
I'm trying to divide a list in Prolog into 3 equal parts (...well, as equal as possible). My algorithm is the following:
- Find out the size of the initial list.
- Call the procedure with two extra parameters (the size of the list and a counter that will tell me when I should stop adding elements to one list and start adding to another)
The procedure looks like this:
With 4 parameters:
With 2 extra parameters:
Here's my code:
div3([X | Y],A,B,C) :- length([X | Y],Sz),
Sz1 is 0,
div3([X | Y],A,B,C,Sz,Sz1).
div3([X | Y],A,B,C,Sz,Sz1) :- Sz1 < Sz//3, % am I done adding to the 1st list?
append(X,L,A), % add to the 1st list
Sz2 is Sz1+1, % increment the counter
d开发者_如何学编程iv3([X | Y],A,B,C,Sz,Sz1) :- Sz1 < 2*Sz//3, % am I done adding to the 2nd list?
append(X,L,B), % add to the 2nd list
Sz2 is Sz1+1, % increment the counter
div3([X | Y],A,B,C,Sz,Sz1) :- Sz1 < Sz, % am I done adding to the 3rd list?
append(X,L,C),% add to the 3rd list
Sz2 is Sz1+1, % increment the counter
I think the first part of your code was almost right... What you are looking for is a recursive predicate with 3 base cases and just one recursive clause.
div3([], [], [], []).
div3([X], [X], [], []).
div3([X,Y], [X], [Y], []).
div3([X,Y,Z|Tail], [X|XTail], [Y|YTail], [Z|ZTail]):-
div3(Tail, XTail, YTail, ZTail).
there are no end-cases in the code for the recursive predicate div3/5, the first 3 clauses are applied only for div3/3 calls (that's why calls like div3([4,2,42],X,Y,Z) succeed)
also, you call append/3 with an element, not a list, so it fails (unless you have a list of lists but even in that case, it's not what you want)
i would suggest switching to a more "declarative" approach, maybe with a predicate like get_N_elements(List,List_N,Rest) to avoid code repetition too
if maintaining source order does not matter, the following should suffice.
divide( [] , [] , [] , [] ) . % we're done when the source list is exhausted, OR ...
divide( [X] , [X] , [] , [] ) . % - it's only got 1 element, OR ...
divide( [X,Y] , [X] , [Y] , [] ) . % - it's only got 2 elements
divide( [X,Y,Z|T] , [X|Xs] , [Y|Ys] , [Z|Zs] ) :- % otherwise, split three elements amount the result lists and
divide(T,Xs,Ys,Zs) % - recurse down.
. %
The code above partitions the list
If you wish to maintain the order, this would work, describing what constitutes a correct solution (e.g., lists of lengths as equal as possible) and letting append/3
find the correct solution(s):
divide( L , X , Y , Z ) :-
append(X,T,L) , % split X off as a prefix of the source list L
append(Y,Z,T) , % divide the remainder (T) into a prefix Y and suffix Z
length(X,X1) , % compute the length of X
length(Y,Y1) , % compute the length of Y
length(Z,Z1) , % compute the length of Z
min_max([X1,Y1,Z1],Min,Max) , % determine the shortest and longest such length
Max - Min =< 1 , % and ensure that the delta is 1 or less
min_max([],0,0) .
min_max([H|T],Min,Max) :-
min_max([],Min,Max,Min,Max) .
min_max([H|T], T1 , T2 , Min , Max ) :-
( H < T1 -> T3 = H ; T3 = T1 ) ,
( H > T2 -> T4 = H ; T4 = T2 ) ,
The above basically says
Divide list L into 3 sublists X, Y and Z such that the delta between the lengths of each sublist does not exceed 1.
In this case, you should see the list
divided into
One should note that this is non-deterministic and backtracking will find all possible such solutions.