
Problem In Looping JSON

I want to append data to selectbox. But, I got this error...

"Error: $("").attr("value", guruMapelId).html is not a function

Source File: http://localhost:8084/controller?aksi=kurikulum

Line: 5"

this is my js code:

function dataGuruMapelSelect(dataSelect){
    $.getJSON("controller", "aksi=dataGuruMapel", function(json){
        $.each(json.guruMapelData, function(k,v){
            var guruMapelId = v.guruMapelId;
            var guruNama = v.guruNama ;
            $('<option />').attr('value',guruMapelId).html(guruNama).appendTo(dataSelect);

And this is the JSON data

    "guruMapelData": [
            "guruMapelId ": "1",
            "guruNip ": "1331/001",
            "guruNama ": "HARI BUDIYONO DRS.",
            "mapelNama ": "PPKn",
            "tahunAjarNama ": "2010/2011",
            "mapelKategoriNama ": "Normatif",
            "mapelId ": "1"
            "开发者_运维问答guruMapelId ": "2",
            "guruNip ": "1331/002",
            "guruNama ": "PENI WARDAYANI DRA",
            "mapelNama ": "Kewirausahaan",
            "tahunAjarNama ": "2010/2011",
            "mapelKategoriNama ": "Produktif",
            "mapelId ": "2"

What is my fault? Thanks before...

Your JSON keys contain spaces after their names, so the key is "guruMapelId ", not "guruMapelId". You can either remove the space from your JSON keys or use var guruMapelId = v["guruMapelId "]; and var guruNama = v["guruNama "]; instead.

This was a tricky one. If you pass undefined to attr (attr('value', undefined)) or html (html(undefined)), it will actually be the same as calling attr('value') or html(), which both return a string and not a jQuery object.

But wait, you say, I'm not passing undefined, I'm passing the values of guruMapelId and guruNama!

Let's have a closer look: The keys in the JSON all have a trailing space. That means, v.guruMapelId does not exist (hence is undefined). You would have to access the data with

v['guruMapelId '] // <-- note the trailing space

Same for guruNama. But better would be to create proper JSON.


Check what you get in your $.getJSON (just use alert(guruMapelId) and guruNama ) call then you can just make your option as follow:

$('<option />').val(guruMapelId).text(guruNama)appendTo(dataSelect);




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