
Sencha Touch 1.1.0 + Compass 0.11

I am having great trouble getting started with theming for Sencha Touch. The problem is apparently a version conflict, according to some sources.

vegard@vegard-desktop:~/phonegap/sencha-touch/resources/sass$ compass compile
   exists ../css
unchanged android.scss
unchanged apple.scss
unchanged bb6.scss
  compile sencha-touch.scss
NoMethodError on line 9 of /home/vegard/phonegap/sencha-touch/resources/sass/../themes/lib/theme_images.rb: undefined method `inline_开发者_运维百科image_string' for #<Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext:0x7f6851732fd8>
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace

This forum thread seems to indicate that it is a version conflict, and that I should use gem install compass --pre to get the correct version, along with a specific version of chunky_png. Sencha themselves have updated to tell us that I need the pre-release (meaning 0.11.beta.7 as of today, even though 0.11.1 is ready):

Update 4/18/11: As of Sencha Touch 1.1, we are using the beta version of Compass, and have updated the line below accordingly.

gem install compass --pre

Note: You may need to install using sudo gem install… for administrative privileges.

I still cannot get it to work, and I get the error above, even if I've tried the following versions of Compass:

  • 0.11.1
  • 0.11.beta.7
  • 0.11.beta.6
  • 0.10.6

I've uninstalled the installed version between each try. I've tried with various versions of chunky_png. None of them work.





验证码 换一张
取 消

