Java trying to get all cached
I'm caching some certain players on my little game and now in my run method I want to check everyone who is cached and give them their reward, insted of getAllplayersOnline and check if they are in that certain map, I just cached the ones enter that map.
public static HashMap&l开发者_高级运维t;Integer,MapleCharacter> fishlist =
new HashMap<Integer,MapleCharacter>();
Then I put
fishlist.put(chr.getId(), chr);
now in my run method i tried
if(UseChairHandler.fishlist.containsKey(chr.getId())) {
//do stuff
but it didn't work...any ideas?
the entryset allows you to loop over the entire map
for(Map.Entry<Integer,MapleCharacter> entry:fishlist.entrySet() ){
//entry.value() is a MapleCharacter in the map
Add more debug output. A System.err.println(fishlist)
can do wonders.
Is chr.getId() always returning the correct ID?
Also, if your game is multi-threaded, you will run into problems if you don't properly synchronize access to the map.