
How to generate SQL tables from ER diagram in Power Designer 15? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I want to generate Sql tables from ER diagram in Powerdesigner ,but ,I don't know how can i do that? Which Tools i should use?

I guess you have a Conceptual Data Model to represent your ER diagram.

You first need to generate a Physical Data Model from it, using Tools > Generate Physcical Data Model, picking the specific DBMS you want to use, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, available for PD 15.0 and up.

And then generate the script using Database > Generate Database as mentionned in the first comment.

The need to convert the ER diagram into a Physical DAta Model, is that the ER diagram could use some concepts which need to be resolved before going to SQL; and miss some concept specific to the databaase implementation (like performance indexes).





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