
Type problem with CodeGenFunction/CodeGenModule with LLVM/Haskell

I am, for some time, experimenting with LLVM, simply because. It does, however, consume more of my time than I thought.

I dabbled with the C++ bindings, but I left C++ years ago for obvious reasons. I tried the OCaml bindings, but I disliked OCaml mostly for the cumbersome build system, among other problems.

So I got stuck with the LLVM module for Haskell, which is nicely type safe and feels very Haskell. But documentation lacks somewhat, as the only examples are the ones in some Blog.

To cut it short, I have been starting doing a simple compiler for PL/0. And I have, after just two days of dedication, worked out as far as this (the parser was no problem, Parsec is my chum):

AST module

module AST where

data Statement
    = Assign String Expression
    | Call String
    | Write String
    | If Condition Statement
    | While Condition Statement
    | Begin [Statement]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Condition
    = Odd Expression
    | Eq Expression Expression
    | Ne Expression Expression
    | Gt Expression Expression
    | Lt Expression Expression
    | Ge Expression Expression
    | Le Expression Expression
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Expression
    = Identifier String
    | Number Integer
    | Plus Expression Expression
    | Minus Expression Expression
    | Multiply Expression Expression
    | Divide Expression Expression
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Block = Block {
        blockConsts :: [(String, Integer)],
        blockVars :: [String],
        blockProcs :: [Procedure],
        blockStatement :: Statement
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Procedure = Procedure String Block
    deriving (Show, Eq)

Codegen module:

module Codegen {-(writeModule)-} where

import LLVM.Core
import AST
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)

codegenExpr :: [(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Expression -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Int64)
codegenExpr ls (Identifier s) = case lookup s ls of
    Nothing -> error $ "unknown identifier: " ++ s
    (Just v) -> load v
codegenExpr _ (Number n) = return $ valueOf $ fromIntegral n
codegenExpr ls (Plus e1 e2)     = arith ls e1 e2 iadd
codegenExpr ls (Minus e1 e2)    = arith ls e1 e2 isub
codegenExpr ls (Multiply e1 e2) = arith ls e1 e2 imul
codegenExpr ls (Divide e1 e2)   = arith ls e1 e2 idiv

arith ls e1 e2 f = do
    lhs <- codegenExpr ls e1
    rhs <- codegenExpr ls e2
    f lhs rhs

codegenCond :: [(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Condition -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)
codegenCond ls (Eq e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpEQ
codegenCond ls (Ne e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpNE
codegenCond ls (Gt e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpGT
codegenCond ls (Lt e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpLT
codegenCond ls (Ge e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpGE
codegenCond ls (Le e1 e2) = cnd ls e1 e2 CmpLE

cnd ls e1 e2 f = do
    lhs <- codegenExpr ls e1
    rhs <- codegenExpr ls e2
    cmp f lhs rhs

codegenStatement :: [(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Statement -> CodeGenFunction () ()
codegenStatement ls (Assign id e) = case lookup id ls of
    Nothing -> error $ "unknown identifier: " ++ id
    (Just v) -> do
        val <- codegenExpr ls e
        store val v
codegenStatement ls (Begin stmts) = mapM_ (codegenStatement ls) stmts
codegenStatement ls (If cond 开发者_运维知识库s1) = do
    ifbl <- newBasicBlock
    thenbl <- newBasicBlock

    cnd <- codegenCond ls cond
    condBr cnd ifbl thenbl

    defineBasicBlock ifbl
    codegenStatement ls s1
    ret ()

    defineBasicBlock thenbl
    ret ()
codegenStatement ls (While cond s) = do
    exit <- newBasicBlock
    while <- newBasicBlock

    defineBasicBlock while
    cnd <- codegenCond ls cond
    codegenStatement ls s
    condBr cnd while exit

    defineBasicBlock exit
    ret ()

codegenBlock :: [(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Block -> CodeGenModule (Function ())
codegenBlock vls (Block _ vars _ stmt) = do
    -- And here is the type error
    func <- createFunction ExternalLinkage $ do
        ls <- mapM named vars
        codegenStatement (vls ++ ls) stmt
        mapM_ (free . snd) ls
    return func
        named n = do
            v <- alloca
            return (n, v)

writeModule bl file = do
    m <- newModule
    defineModule m $ codegenBlock [] bl
    writeBitcodeToFile file m

So yeah, lots of code, but complete. The type error I get is this:

GHCi, version 7.0.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
[1 of 2] Compiling AST              ( AST.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Codegen          ( Codegen.hs, interpreted )

    No instances for (IsFunction (),
                      FunctionArgs () (CodeGenFunction () ()) (CodeGenFunction r0 ()))
      arising from a use of `createFunction'
    Possible fix:
      add instance declarations for
      (IsFunction (),
       FunctionArgs () (CodeGenFunction () ()) (CodeGenFunction r0 ()))
    In the expression: createFunction ExternalLinkage
    In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
        func <- createFunction ExternalLinkage
              $ do { ls <- mapM named vars;
                     codegenStatement (vls ++ ls) stmt;
                     mapM_ (free . snd) ls }
    In the expression:
      do { func <- createFunction ExternalLinkage
                 $ do { ls <- mapM named vars;
                        codegenStatement (vls ++ ls) stmt;
                        .... };

       return func }

As I said, I've take most of the examples from the mentioned Block, and there it was written like that. I've somehow no idea how to fix this.

As always, I spend more time satisfying the type checker than doing new code.

I'm not at all familiar with LLVM, so I don't know if it makes any sense, but changing the type signature of codegenBlock from

[(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Block -> CodeGenModule (Function ())


[(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Block -> CodeGenModule (Function (IO ()))

satisifies the type checker, since there is no instance IsFunction (), but there is one for IsFunction (IO a).

As hammar says, your IsFunction call isn't at the right type. IsFunction is defined for:

class IsType a => IsFunction a where
  llvm- :: [TypeDesc] -> a -> TypeDesc
    -- Defined in llvm-

instance [incoherent] IsFirstClass a => IsFunction (VarArgs a)
  -- Defined in llvm-

instance [incoherent] IsFirstClass a => IsFunction (IO a)
  -- Defined in llvm-

instance [incoherent] (IsFirstClass a, IsFunction b) =>
                      IsFunction (a -> b)

that is, for VarArgs, for IO and for function types. Not for () types. So I suspect you mean to use IO () in the type:

codegenBlock :: [(String, Value (Ptr Int64))] -> Block -> CodeGenModule (Function (IO ()))    






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