
set the language of iis [closed]

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is there any way to make IIS language as English? my OS is currently in Turkish so the IIS is.

My OS is windows vista home premium so AFAIK, I cannot change the language of it.

Have a look at the following article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc771836%28WS.10%29.aspx

Looks like you can change the globalization settings of .Net, but not sure about the UI for IIS. Since it is pretty well engrained within the operating system, you may have to change your system settings. Again, not 100% sure, but seems logical.

You must set English as the display language in the OS. You can do that in the Control Panel -> Region And Language -> Keyboards and Languages -> Display language (at least that is what it is in English.). Vista Ultimate will let you add any language pack for free. The other versions probably require a small payment for each additional language.





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