
Get value from a row that corresponds (in the same column) to a cell in another row

This is related to: excel function to get value of another cell (but slightly different)

I want to get the date (on Row D), that corresponds

to the last non-blank value in another row.

See below for what I am trying to describe.

  | D2  | D3  | D4  | D5   <- Dates
A | X2  | X3* | X4* | X5   <- A should get D4, X4 is the last non-blank value
B | Y2* | Y3* | Y4*开发者_运维知识库 | Y5*  <- B should get D5, Y5 is the last non-blank value

Asterisk (*) denotes a non-blank cell/value.

Can somebody please help me with the formula? Thanks.

Get value from a row that corresponds (in the same column) to a cell in another row

Try this in $E$7. It's an array formula, so you have to hit ctrl+shift+enter.


If that works, you can copy and paste it to $E$11 and $E$15.

Formula in cell A1 =OFFSET(B1, 0, COUNTA(B1:F1) - 1)
Formula in cell A2 =OFFSET(B2, 0, COUNTA(B2:F2) - 1)

Get value from a row that corresponds (in the same column) to a cell in another row





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