
What is the most elegant way to view a multipage PDF in iOS application?

I am stuck in a predicament whereby I hope someone can help me.

I am consuming a web service that returns a multi page PDF document as a Base64 payload. I want to be able to view the PDF on a page by page basis. For example I get the following string back in a long Base 64 encoded form within image tags :


I am not wanting to use a UIWebView to view the fax but a simple very basic PDF viewer with paginati开发者_开发技巧on. I know there are some libraries like Fast PDF Kit but that would not work because they show the logo and the license is a little pricey.

I am a PDF newbie so if someone can show by a small example I would truly appreciate that.

I'm not sure why you don't want to use UIWebView since it probably does everything you need. PDF parsing guide from Apple will show you how to implement this by hand:






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