
jquery cycle: after slideshow cycles once, restart on one and stop

So I have jQuery cycle running and I need help on how to set the parameters so the slideshow cycles through once and then starts back on the first position and just stops. I have text that scroll through with the images. Now I can get the image to cycle back putting a function on "end" but the text on one does not activate when I do this, here is my parameters settings:

$.fn.cycle.defaults = {
    fx开发者_Python百科:           'fade', // one of: fade, shuffle, zoom, scrollLeft, etc
    timeout:       4000,  // milliseconds between slide transitions (0 to disable auto 
    speed:         4000,  // speed of the transition (any valid fx speed value)
    pagerEvent:   'hover', // event which drives the pager navigation
    end: function() {$('#slideshow').cycle('next'); },
    sync:          1,     // true if in/out transitions should occur simultaneously
    nowrap:        1      // true to prevent slideshow from wrapping


Does anyone know who to get the cycle to run through just once and then jump back to one then just stop with the link activated again? I tried using the autostop and autoStopCount but I do not want to indicate an exact number to make it stop. Any help would be most appreciated.

See http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/end.html and try this or something similar.

    autostop: 1, 
    end:      function(options) {  




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