
How to install sqlsrv php driver on zend server?

I downloaded "Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (V 2.0.1)" from Microsoft website and move it to php_sqlsrv_5.3_nts_vc6.dll to "C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\lib\phpext\" next to "php5.dll".

then go to Zend server Panel "Serve开发者_运维问答r Setup > Extensions" to turn it on. after restarting php, Zend Server says: "The system could not load this extension"!

What should I do?

P.S: Zend Configured on Apache

edit: I also tried "php_sqlsrv_5.3_ntc_vc9.dll" but it failed either!

How to install sqlsrv php driver on zend server?

I noticed something in php_error.log:

Module compiled with build ID=API20090626,NTS,VC6
PHP    compiled with build ID=API20090626,NTS,VC9
These options need to match

Build IDs are the same but VC version are different.
because I put both VC6 and VC9 together in "phpext" folder. Zend could not load the correct extension. while I removed VC6 dll, in Zend Panel the error message was still there, even by restarting the php.

I stopped server, remove VC9, start server again, put VC9 in "phpext" folder, turn it on from Zend Panel, and restart php.

everything is now ok!

Special Thanks to Kevin :)





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