MyBatis - how to create w dynamic WHERE Clause
The service gets an unknown object containing a list of three values [column, operator, value] For example, EMAIL - like - 开发者_高级运维"TEST"
Based on the resulting list to build the WHERE clause I have but I would also be able to build such a condition as follows (for example)
WHERE (email like 'test' AND user_id <> 5) OR (trans_id <100 AND session_id> 500)
Does anyone can help me how to do it?
I have been rediscovering MyBatis after a long absence myself (I was familiar with iBatis at one time). Rolf's example looks like it might be the .Net implementation, I may be wrong but I don't think the Java notation looks like that now. Rolf's tip about the literal strings is very useful.
I've created a little class to hold your columns, operators and value and pass these into MyBatis to do the processing. The columns and operators are string literals but I have left the values as sql parameters (I imagine MyBatis would be able to do any necessary type conversion).
public class TestAnswer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
SqlSessionFactory sqlFactory = (SqlSessionFactory) ctx.getBean("sqlSessionFactory");
MappedStatement statement = sqlFactory.getConfiguration().getMappedStatement("testAnswer");
ArrayList<Clause> params1 = new ArrayList<Clause>();
params1.add(new Clause("email","like","test"));
params1.add(new Clause("user","<>",5));
ArrayList<Clause> params2 = new ArrayList<Clause>();
params2.add(new Clause("trans_id","<",100));
params2.add(new Clause("session_id",">",500));
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put("params1", params1);
params.put("params2", params2);
BoundSql boundSql = statement.getBoundSql(params);
static class Clause{
private String column;
private String operator;
private Object value;
public Clause(String column, String operator, Object value){
this.column = column;
this.operator = operator;
this.value = value;
public void setColumn(String column) {this.column = column;}
public void setOperator(String operator) {this.operator = operator;}
public void setValue(Object value) {this.value = value;}
public String getColumn() {return column;}
public String getOperator() {return operator;}
public Object getValue() {return value;}
As you can see, I use Spring but I expect something similar would probably work outside of the Spring environment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.stackoverflow.TestMapper">
<select id="testAnswer" parameterType="map" resultType="hashmap">
select *
FROM somewhere
<foreach item="clause" collection="params1" separator=" AND " open="(" close=")">
${clause.column} ${clause.operator} #{clause.value}
<foreach item="clause" collection="params2" separator=" AND " open="(" close=")">
${clause.column} ${clause.operator} #{clause.value}
There are two key parts to this answer. One is the "dynamic" element, and the other are the $$ literal elements around the "operator" in your question.
<select id="yourSelect" parameterClass="Map" resultMap="somethingsomething" >
select * from YOURTABLE
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotNull prepend="AND" property="email">
email $operator$ #testvalue#
See also the DataMapper Dynamic SQL documentation on this topic.