
Identifying an app from a URL request

If a URL request is made from an iPhone app, is it possible for the service to which the request is made to identify the app? Generally, a service can see the IP address from which the request is made, but is more identifying information included in t开发者_如何转开发he request? My aim is to ensure that the app cannot be identified.

Log the simulator network traffic to a file:

sudo tcpdump -s 0 -A -i en0 port 80 > log.txt

Then read the file and see if your app behaves any different from a browser. Note that your network interface may vary. Run ifconfig -a to see if you are on en0, en1, or what.

You can change the user agent and any other header if you need to...

  • If you are using ASIHTTPRequest:
    [ASIHTTPRequest setDefaultUserAgentString:@"firefox blah blah"];

  • If you are using NSMutableURLRequest:
    [request setValue:@"firefox blah" forHTTPHeaderField:@"User-Agent"];

You could pass a parameter from the app to the service. http://..url?param1=..&app=myApp





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