
How to build project from Github? Instructions inconclusive

I know this isn't technically an issue with Drupal itself, but my question has been languishing on superuser for almost a month, so I was hoping another Drupal user might have already done this...

I'm a d开发者_运维百科rupal developer using Komodo Edit as an IDE. I recently found a project on GitHub that would add autocomplete for the drupal API to Komodo's language options. I've never used git before and I'm confused (the fact that I'm on a Mac and new to that as well isn't helping...) Can anyone help me out?

The build instructions per the project page are:

  • git clone https://github.com/nevergone/drupalforkomodo.git followed by cd drupalforkomodo

  • If Komodo installed in /opt/komodo/, then build command: /opt/komodo/lib/sdk/bin/koext build

  • Project root directory contain: drupal-VERSION-ko.xpi

So I was able to get a clone of the project, but the rest is beyond me. If I were doing this on my home machine running Linux it would be no problem, but the Mac file system is different. Komodo is installed in my Applications directory, but I have no idea where the lib/sdk/and so on is, so how do I complete the next two steps?

I did find the actual installation of Komodo at hardDrive -> Users -> myUser -> Library -> Application Support -> KomodoEdit, but there's no lib/sdk directory anywhere in there. Any ideas?

You can download the xpi directly from http://community.activestate.com/files/drupal-0.4.1-ko.xpi. Now you don't have to build it yourself.

Now go to Preferences / Code Intelligence and add the xpi to the API Catalog.

More information available here: http://community.activestate.com/xpi/drupal-extension-komodo





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