Adding title below photo
I'm displaying some photos on website. I want to add a photo title below each photo. I tried many ways but it still doesn't work. This is html and css:
<div id="albumListContent">
<img id="a42" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.jpg">
<img id="a56" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.jpg">
<img id="a59" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.jpg">
<img id="a62" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.jpg">
<img id="a63" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.jpg">
<img id="a64" class="albumImg" width="150px" alt="not found" src="photo_with_any_size.png">
.albumImg, {
/* center photos */
vertical-align: middle;
/* add some margin for elegance */
margin: 1em;
/* Photo hover effects */
opacity: 0.8;
/* Border style and border color */
border-color: #dddddd #aaaaaa #aaaaaa #dddddd;
border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px;
Edit:开发者_运维问答 This is my Jquery which generates the above html:
var albumListHTML = '';
albumListHTML += '<div id="albumListContent">';
if(num > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
albumListHTML += '<img id="a' + data[i].album_id +
'" class="albumImg" width="150px" src="' +
data[i].album_cover + '" alt="not found" title="' +
data[i].album_name + '"/>';
} else {
albumListHTML += 'No album found.';
albumListHTML += '</div>';
I tried adding < span > which wraps < img > and set "float: left" to force the text to be below the < img >, then center text with text-align. The problem is the < img > is "float:none" so the text is floating away.
for(var i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
albumListHTML += '<span style="">';
albumListHTML += '<img id="a' + data[i].album_id +
'" class="albumImg" width="150px" src="' +
data[i].album_cover + '" alt="not found" title="' +
data[i].album_name + '"/>';
albumListHTML += '<span style="float: left; text-align: center">' + data[i].album_name + '</span>';
albumListHTML += '</span>';
Just have a look at the sample code here:
I am not sure how you are going to show the title. If you are setting manually, the sample code will rectify your problem.
I hope this helps!
Adjust numeric values as necessary.