
GetProcAddress function in C++

Hello guys: I've loaded my DLL in my project but whenever I use the GetProcAddress function. it returns NULL! what should I do? I use this function ( double GetNumber(double x) ) i开发者_StackOverflown "MYDLL.dll"

Here is a code which I used:

typedef double (*LPGETNUMBER)(double Nbr);
hDLL = LoadLibrary(L"MYDLL.DLL");
lpGetNumber = (LPGETNUMBER)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hDLL, "GetNumber");

Checking return codes and calling GetLastError() will set you free. You should be checking return codes twice here. You are actually checking return codes zero times.

hDLL = LoadLibrary(L"MYDLL.DLL");

Check hDLL. Is it NULL? If so, call GetLastError() to find out why. It may be as simple as "File Not Found".

lpGetNumber = (LPGETNUMBER)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hDLL, "GetNumber");

If lpGetNumber is NULL, call GetLastError(). It will tell you why the proc address could not be found. There are a few likely scenarios:

  1. There is no exported function named GetNumber
  2. There is an exported function named GetNumber, but it is not marked extern "c", resulting in name mangling.
  3. hDLL isn't a valid library handle.

If it turns out to be #1 above, you need to export the functions by decorating the declaration with __declspec(dllexport) like this:


__declspec(dllexport) int GetNumber();

If it turns out to be #2 above, you need to do this:

extern "C"
  __declspec(dllexport) int GetNumber();

You might want to check if your GetNumber function is exported as an __stdcall function.

If so, try GetProcAddress(hDLL, "_GetNumber@N");, where N is the total number of bytes of GetNumber's argument list. For example, if your function signature is int GetNumber(int a, double b), its real name in DLL will be _GetNumber@12.

Reference: __stdcall

Most probably LoadLibrary() failed. You just can't see that because apparently you are not checking what it is returning:

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


We don't know how you are exporting the function on the DLL code, but this thread explains a couple of reasons on why GetProcAddress fails.





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