
sql 2008 point reprojection

i have a table with two fields (X,Y) they hold the location of points in New Israel Projection (EPSG: 2039) (e.g. X=194545.05941493041, Y=668112.83849507652) i want to reproject all points to WGS84 (EPSG: 4326). (e.g. the same coordinates above should translate to somet开发者_如何转开发hing around: 34.940578289586, 32.106153057749005

how do i do that in SQL 2008?

There may be a easier solution now, but what I had to do a few years ago was the following: I needed to reproject between UTM33N(x, y ) and WGS84 (lat lon).

I use http://projnet.codeplex.com/ to translate each coordinate. The key you need is the two WKT (WellKnownText) that make up the projection model. For me it was some hours of try and fail, but eventually I had a good translation.

Later when we started to use spatial indexes I created a SSIS package to reproject all data on inport.

There may be better solutions that that today: perhaps it's supported by http://sqlspatialtools.codeplex.com/ Also I see that many are using ogr2ogr http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html





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