AWK - replace a word if it not begin with special symbol
I try to translate this line:
(ModuleEins = WertA | ${ModuleEins} = Wer开发者_如何学编程tB | ModuleEins = WertB)
to this line:
(${ModuleEins}= WertA | ${ModuleEins}= WertB | ${ModuleEins}= WertB)
but i don't get it to work.
i have a complex awk script where i run a replacement statement inside a loop.
e.g. awk '{ sub( "ModuleEins", "${ModuleEins}", $0 ); print, $0 }'
i have no idea how to replace in awk a word which not begin with special characters.
(?!{)ModuleEins(?!}) <- This idea i don't get to work inside awk.
This is a brittle solution but exactly answers your question.
Note that I
- changed sub(...) to gsub
- removed the
',' after
- changed the search target to a regular expression
- and added a '&' to capture the first char of the reg exp, which with the
is where the brittleness comes in.
print -- '(ModuleEins = WertA | ${ModuleEins} = WertB | ModuleEins = WertB)' \
| awk '{ gsub( /[^{]ModuleEins[^}]/, "&${ModuleEins}", $0 ); print $0 }'
(ModuleEins ${ModuleEins}= WertA | ${ModuleEins} = WertB | ModuleEins ${ModuleEins}= WertB)
I hope this helps.
P.S. as you appear to be a new user, if you get an answer that helps you please remember to mark it as accepted, and/or give it a + (or -) as a useful answer.
Thanks for help!
@shellter The sub pattern [^{]ModuleEins[^}]
would not work for me, because [^{]
is a symbol except {
. If i have "(ModuleEins=value)"
than the result would be "${ModuleEins}value)"
and not "(${ModuleEins}=value)"
. This is for me wrong.
i tried the idea from glenn jackman inside my awk script and get it to work:
gsub( "\\$", "\\$", $0 )
"echo \""$0"\" | perl -pe 's/(?<!{)"part[i]"/\\${"part[i]"}/g'" |& getline $0
gsub( "\\\\\\$", "$", $0 )
ps: sorry i can't vote yet -.-
Perl regular expressions are better than awk's here:
perl -pe 's/(?<!\${)ModuleEins/\${$&}/g'
sed -e 's/(ModuleEins/(${ModuleEins}/g' -e 's/| ModuleEins/| ${ModuleEins}/g'
The following solution is brute-force, but easy to understand and pretty robust... First gsub to change "${ModuleEins}" to "ModuleEins", then change all the "ModuleEins". Using "\" to escape certain characters is required because the first parameter to gsub is an Extended Regular Expression. In this mini-language, the characters "$", "{" and "}" are meta-characters by default and are interpreted by gsub with special meaning.
$ x='(ModuleEins = WertA | ${ModuleEins} = WertB | ModuleEins = WertB)'
$ echo $x | awk '{ gsub(/\$\{ModuleEins\}/, "ModuleEins"); gsub(/ModuleEins/, "${ModuleEins}") } 1'
(${ModuleEins} = WertA | ${ModuleEins} = WertB | ${ModuleEins} = WertB)
A SED implementation might be the better way to go for its conciseness:
$ echo $x | sed 's/\${ModuleEins}/ModuleEins/g; s/ModuleEins/${ModuleEins}/g'
(${ModuleEins} = WertA | ${ModuleEins} = WertB | ${ModuleEins} = WertB)
Note that the escaping rules are different in the above as AWK uses Extended Regular Expressions for the search pattern and SED uses Basic/Traditional Regular Expressions. The difference between the two regular expressions language have to do with escaping of meta-characters, and such is described in the egrep(3) manual (search for "Basic vs Extended Regular Expressions").