reference property of an unknown type in lambda function
I'm trying to create a generic function to build a Linq expression from a list of Telerik grid filters. I'm trying to stay clear of dynamic Linq. Because I don't know the type that I'm building the expression for, I'm attempting to use reflection in the lambda functions to refer to a property, but my results are never开发者_Python百科 filtered. The call to my helper function to get the property value is never called though it does hit the "Add" lines. Putting the reflection in line (such as the "GreaterThan" below) doesn't make a difference. here is my code:
Public Shared Function buildRadFilter(Of T)(ByVal filterExpression As List(Of GridFilterExpression)) As Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of T, Boolean))
Dim returnPred = PredicateBuilder.True(Of T)()
For Each exp As GridFilterExpression In filterExpression
Dim iExp = exp
Dim doDefault = False
Select Case iExp.FilterFunction
Case "Contains"
returnPred.And(Function(x) DirectCast(propVal(x, iExp.FieldName), String).Contains(iExp.FieldValue))
Case "DoesNotContain"
returnPred.And(Function(x) Not DirectCast(propVal(x, iExp.FieldName), String).Contains(iExp.FieldValue))
Case "StartsWith"
returnPred.And(Function(x) DirectCast(propVal(x, iExp.FieldName), String).StartsWith(iExp.FieldValue))
Case "EndsWith"
returnPred.And(Function(x) DirectCast(propVal(x, iExp.FieldName), String).EndsWith(iExp.FieldValue))
Case "EqualTo"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) = iExp.FieldValue)
Case "NotEqualTo"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) <> iExp.FieldValue)
Case "GreaterThan"
'returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) > iExp.FieldValue)
returnPred.And(Function(x) x.GetType().GetProperty(iExp.FieldName).GetValue(x, Nothing))
Case "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) >= iExp.FieldValue)
Case "LessThan"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) < iExp.FieldValue)
Case "LessThanOrEqualTo"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) <= iExp.FieldValue)
Case "IsEmpty"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) = "")
Case "NotIsEmpty"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) <> "")
Case "IsNull"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) Is Nothing)
Case "NotIsNull"
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) IsNot Nothing)
Case "Between"
Dim vals As String() = iExp.FieldValue.Split(" ")
If vals.Length > 1 Then
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) >= vals(0) AndAlso propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) <= vals(1))
doDefault = True
Exit Select
End If
Case "NotBetween"
Dim vals As String() = iExp.FieldValue.Split(" ")
If vals.Length > 1 Then
returnPred.And(Function(x) propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) < vals(0) OrElse propVal(x, iExp.FieldName) > vals(1))
doDefault = True
Exit Select
End If
Case Else
doDefault = True
Exit Select
End Select
If doDefault Then
returnPred.And(Function(x) DirectCast(propVal(x, iExp.FieldName), String).StartsWith(iExp.FieldValue))
End If
Return returnPred
End Function
'only works for scalar values
Public Shared Function propVal(ByRef obj As Object, ByVal name As String) As Object
Return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name).GetValue(obj, Nothing)
End Function
Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer.
The reason why is the And
predicate creates a new expression which you are not saving. It doesn't modify the existing one in place. You need to switch every returnPred.And
line to
returnPred = returnPred.And(...