
How to create a loop 1M with random numbers >100000

My teacher asked me to create a loop that will be executed 1M times. I tried for(long i=0;i<1000000;i++), but the program is crashing. The maximum number that the program accepts is 10.000.

Any ideas? Is this possible?

Also he asked me to create a random number >100.000. I am using rand();. Should I use a different me开发者_如何学JAVAthod?

this is the code:

start_time = clock(); 
for(long i=0;i<1000000;i++){
   num1 = rand();

end_time = clock();

elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

printf( "time is %.3f seconds\n", elapsed_time );

This the gcd:

int gcd1(int x, int y){
    int z;
    if (x<y)
    else if (y<x)
    while((x%z!=0) or (y%z!=0));
        return z;

There is nothing wrong with having a loop that runs from 0 to 1000000. The reason that your program is crashing is something else that you are doing in your program.

Try one of the following:

  • Step through the code in the debugger to find which line is crashing.
  • Comment out lines in the loop (and after it) until it runs. Then uncomment things one by one to track down the culprit.

One suspcious thing I see off the bat: What type is elapsed_time declared as? You are doing what looks like integer (or quadword integer?) math on it, and then you tell printf to print it as a float. printf doesn't do intelligent type conversions for you or anything. If you feed it a variable of the wrong type, you are liable to get garbage, or a crash.

in gcd

you have an extra close brace

if x == y then z is undefined; so bad things can happen

Try your loop as

for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
   do num1 = rand(); while (num1 == 0);
   do num2 = rand(); while (num2 == 0);
   gcd1(num1, num2);

rand() can return 0. When it does that (after more than 10000 loops), your program will set z to 0 and attempt to divide by 0.

use longs, to loop over longer ranges:

for (long i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
    //do something

for large randoms, you could cast the return of rand() to long and multiply two together or something like that. (Heh, probably showing my age by this answer... back when I was coding C regularly, int was only 16 bits. ;)

In this statement

while((x%z!=0) or (y%z!=0));

my compiler i(llvm-gcc-4.2) won't compile it. I'm just learning c but I think you want to change the "or" to "||"





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