
Capitalizing the letter following a dash and removing the dash

If you haven't guessed from the title, I'm trying to convert CSS property syntax to JS syntax using JS. That means I want to take the input 'margin-top' and convert it to 'marginTop'. I know that this could be done easily with a few lines and the replace function, but I was wondering if regex would have a simpler, more compact solution.

So, my question is what regular expression would I use to replace -\w with no dash and the first letter of the word uppercased. If this happens to be impossible, what would be the most mini开发者_如何转开发malistic solution with the replace function?

Thanks for any help.

If you search the jQuery source for camelCase, you'll find this function:

function camelCase (string) {
    return string.replace( /-([a-z])/ig, function( all, letter ) {
        return letter.toUpperCase();

(except that in there, the regex and the call back are defined separately).

'margin-top-something'.replace(/(-.)/g,function(x){return x[1].toUpperCase()})




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