
How to Monitoring performance Amazon ec2 instance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I want to monitor my large instance on amazon. CPU, disk etc.

For a better monitoring system that is free, you should check out RevealCloud (http://www.copperegg.com/cloud).

Better than CloudWatch:

  • free
  • real-time (updates in seconds, not 1 or 5 minutes)
  • shows more detail
  • alerts
  • easy install
  • single dashboard view
  • works on mobile devices

Amazon provides CloudWatch for this out of the box when you launch an EC2 instance. Just specify that you would like the instance monitored when starting it.


There is a freely available tool called the EC2 Health Monitor.

From its official description:

ManageEngine supports the "Free EC2 Health Monitor Tool", allows you to monitor performance metrics like CPU Utilization, Network In, Network Out, Disk Read and Disk Write of AMI instances continuously. This tool presents the resource usage in an elegant graph and reports. It also shows the number of instances present and the number of instances that are in running state or stopped state in a tree view.

ManageEngine EC2 Health Monitor Tool monitors the metrics of the AMI instances. You can monitor any number of instances using this tool. The best part is that this tool is made available to you absolutely FREE of cost.

To know more about tool please visit:


To download the ManageEngine Free EC2 Health Monitor Tool please visit:


You could try Xervmon. They provide integrated cloud management with in depth monitoring on a single pane of glass.





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