Get nodes that don't have specific ancestor xml xpath
I'm struggling few days with quite complex xpath and I'm not able to formulate it. I have a syntactic tree from c++ like language parser and I would like to have xpath query, that selects all names, that are not in function name.
To be specific, I have xml document like this
(Whole xml document is on the end of the question, it is quite large I paste here a simple overview of the document structure) there are four node types
a - this element contains one node b - contains information of the node (e.g. "CALL_EXPRESSION") c - contains actual text (e.g. "printf", variable names...) d - contains descendats of current node (a elements)CALL_EXPRESSION DOT_EXPRESSION NAME_EXPRESSION NAME NAME_EXPRESSION NAME PARAMS NAME_EXPRESSION NAME CALL_EXPRESSION NAME_EXPRESSION NAME PARAMS NAME_EXPRESSION NAME ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION NAME_EXPRESSION NAME NAME_EXPRESSION NAME
I would like to formulate Xpath query, that would select all NAMEs that are not descendats of CALL_EXPRESSION/*[1]. (This means i would like to select all variables and not the function names).
To select all the function names I can use Xpath like this
no problem here. Now, if I would like to select all nodes that are not descendats of this nodes. I would use not(ancestor::X).
But here goes the problem, if I formulate the Xpath expression like this:
it selects only nodes, that don't have a that has child b="CALL_EXPRESSION" at all. In our example, it selects only NAME from the ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION subtree.
I suspected, that the problem is, that ancestor:: takes only the first element (in our case a[b="CALL_EXPRESSION"]) and restricts according to its predicate and further / are discarded. So i modified the xpath query like this:
//*[b="NAME"][not(ancestor::a[../../b="CALL_EXPRESSION" and position()=1])]
This seems to work only on the simpler CALL_EXPRESSION (without the DOT_EXPRESSION). I suspected, that the path in [] might be relative only to current node, not to the potential ancestors. But when I used the query
it worked as one would assume (all NAMEs what don't have ancestor CALL_EXPRESSION were selected).
Is there any way to formulate the query I need? And why don't the queries work?
Thanks in advance :)
You didn't say whether this is XPath 1.0 or 2.0. In XPath 2.0 you can use the except operator: for example
//* except //x//*
to select all elements that don't have x as an ancestor.
The except operator can also be simulated in XPath 1.0 using the equivalence
E1 except E2 ==> E1[count(.|E2)!=count(E2)]
(but taking care over the context for evaluation of E2).
The question is not very clear and the XML provided isn't a wellformed XML document.
Anyway, here is my attempt to answer based on my understanding of this question text.
Let's have the following simple XML document:
<z>Text 1</z>
<z> Text 2</z>
We want to select all z
elements that are not descendents of /t/x[1]
Use either this XPath expression:
/t/z | /t/x[position() > 1]//z
or this one:
[count(ancestor::*) = 1
I'd certainly recommend the first XPath expression as it is obviously much simpler, shorter and easier to understand.
It means: Select all z
children of the top element t
of the XML document and all z
descendents of any x
child of the top element t
that is not the first such x
child (whose position among all x
children of t
is not 1).
The second expression means: Select all z
elements in the XML document that don't have as ancestor an element x
that has only one element-ancestor (is a child of the top element) and has no preceding siblings named x
(in other words that is the first x
child of its parent).
Finally, here is a quick verification of the correctness of the two XPath expressions:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select=
[count(ancestor::*) = 1
<xsl:copy-of select="/t/z | /t/x[position() > 1]//z"/>
When this transformation is applied on the simple XML document (shown above), we see that both expressions select exactly the wanted z
element. The result of the transformation is:
<z> Text 2</z>
<z> Text 2</z>