
Copy png from each dir, if png is >600x600?

I have a tree of directories with png files in each.

From each directory would I like to copy those png 开发者_如何学运维files where their resolution is >(600x600).

Using the following to commands could I create a script that would do just that, but it would be fairly long.

This command will list png's where the horizonal number of pixels is >600.

for f in *.png;do if [ `file $f | cut -f5 -d\ ` -gt 600 ] ; then echo $f;fi;done

This command will find all dirs and copy file.png to them

find <basedir>/ -type d -exec cp file.png '{}' \;

Does someone know of a good way to solve this problem?

Update: This is what I got.

for f in $(find . -type f -name *png -print0); do
    identify -format '%w %h' $f|awk '{print $1 $2}'

# if [$1 -gt 600 && $2 -gt 600]; then
    cp $f ~/600x600


How do I use $1 and $2 from awk in the if-statement?

I'm not really sure to understand the question, but i guess you want to copy file with size greater than 600x600 into a specific directory, then you can do something like :

for f in *.png;do if [[ `file $f | cut -f5 -d\ ` -gt 600 ]] ; then 
echo $f;fi;done|nawk '{print "cp "$1" my_specific_directory"}' | bash

where my_specific_directory is the directory where you want to copy your pngs...

identify -format '%w %h' yourImage.png


Sorry, i had most of this typed out awhile ago, but was interupted.

I tested this, and it should work

for f in *png; 
  identify -format '%w %h' $f | awk -v f="$f" '{ if ($1 >= 600 && $2 >= 600) print "cp -piv "f" ~/DESTINATION_DIR"}' | bash

notice that you can do the comparison inside awk. If you have a desire to learn, try making this a one-liner. Sure, it will be long, but you should be able to do this entire operation with find. the problem for me is piping inside -exec, but I know its possible.





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