Sharekit customise modelview button colour
Lovin' Sharekit
Have custom backgrounds happening for the toolbars, but want to change the button colour in the modal view that displays which link to share (ie the Twitter link model view)...just can't find which file to add my customise nav bar button bar code to
Been trying but can't seem to find right combo... anyone know?
- (void)viewD开发者_Python百科idLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
Colour the Nav Bar buttons
[self.navigationController.navigationBar applyCustomTintColor];
In SHKConfig.h
#define SHKBarTintColorRed 219 /255.0
#define SHKBarTintColorGreen 83 /255.0
#define SHKBarTintColorBlue 106 /255.0
Add / 255.0 to your number(s)
This pre-divides our RGB color into the floating point percentage for a UIColor
In SHK.m
Amend showViewController function
// Wrap the view in a nav controller if not already
if (![vc respondsToSelector:@selector(pushViewController:animated:)])
UINavigationController *nav = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc] autorelease];
if ([nav respondsToSelector:@selector(modalPresentationStyle)])
nav.modalPresentationStyle = [SHK modalPresentationStyle];
if ([nav respondsToSelector:@selector(modalTransitionStyle)])
nav.modalTransitionStyle = [SHK modalTransitionStyle];
nav.navigationBar.barStyle = nav.toolbar.barStyle = [SHK barStyle];
// Added code
UIColor* c = [UIColor colorWithRed:SHKBarTintColorRed green:SHKBarTintColorGreen blue:SHKBarTintColorBlue alpha:1.0];
[(UINavigationController *)vc navigationBar].tintColor = c;
// End added code
[topViewController presentModalViewController:nav animated:YES];
self.currentView = nav;
// Show the nav controller
if ([vc respondsToSelector:@selector(modalPresentationStyle)])
vc.modalPresentationStyle = [SHK modalPresentationStyle];
if ([vc respondsToSelector:@selector(modalTransitionStyle)])
vc.modalTransitionStyle = [SHK modalTransitionStyle];
[topViewController presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
[(UINavigationController *)vc navigationBar].barStyle =
[(UINavigationController *)vc toolbar].barStyle = [SHK barStyle];
// Added code
UIColor* c = [UIColor colorWithRed:SHKBarTintColorRed green:SHKBarTintColorGreen blue:SHKBarTintColorBlue alpha:1.0];
[(UINavigationController *)vc navigationBar].tintColor = c;
// End added code
self.currentView = vc;
This tints all navigationBar buttons (including the Cancel button)