How to groupBy while discarding some elements of a collection
I'd like to group a sequence into a map of sequences, based on a discriminator of type Option
, similar to the result of the groupBy
method but where values resulting in None
are discarded. Or perhaps, grouping by a PartialFunction
discriminator and discarding those for which the partial function is not defined.
Here is a concrete example:
I have a collection of names, and a collection of namespaces. Some, but not all, of the names belong in a valid namespace, and I want to group those that do into a Map, discarding those that don't.
Currently my solution is equivalent to:
val names = List("", "", "ns2.baz", "froznit")
val namespaces = List("ns1", "ns2")
def findNamespace(n: String): Option[String] = namespaces.find(n.startsWith)
val groupedNames = names.groupBy(findNamespace).collect {
case (Some(ns), name) => (ns, name)
// Map((ns1,List(, (ns2,List(, ns2.baz)))
My concern about this solution is that, using names.groupBy(findNamespace)
, I'm creating an intermediate Map which contains all the names I don't care about, under the key None
. If the number of names which I discard becomes large, this solution becomes less attractive.
My attempt to avoid this is a bit of a trainwreck, though:
val groupedNames =
map(n => (findNamespace(n), n)).
collect({ case (Some(ns), n) => (ns, n) }).
map({ case (ns, names) => (ns, names.map开发者_运维问答(_._2)) })
If you were to solve this in a smarter way, what would it be?
Edit: ideally, the solution should only call findNamespace(name)
once for each name, and build the Map using only the Option[String]
values, without calling a separate hasNamespace(name)
One way to avoid collecting the discarded names is to use flatMap
names.flatMap(n => findNamespace(n) map (ns => (ns, n)))
.map { case (ns, pairs) => (ns, pairs map (_._2)) }
You can achieve the same thing with a for-comprehension:
(for (n <- names; ns <- findNamespace(n)) yield (ns, n))
.map { case (ns, pairs) => (ns, pairs map (_._2)) }
You can use a foldLeft:
val gn = names.foldLeft(Map[String, List[String]]()){ case (acc, name) =>
findNamespace(name) match {
case Some(ns) => acc + (ns -> (name :: acc.get(ns).getOrElse(Nil)))
case _ => acc
Assuming order does not matter otherwise you can reverse the values with gn.mapValues(_.reverse)
I'm not sure how efficient toMap
is, but putting the option in a for-comprehension at least avoids the gathering of None
scala> val m = (for { n <- names; ns <- findNamespace(n) } yield n -> ns).toMap
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,String] = Map( -> ns1, -> ns2, ns2.baz -> ns2)
scala> val groupedNames = m.keys.groupBy(m)
groupedNames: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Iterable[java.lang.String]] = Map(ns1 -> Set(, ns2 -> Set(, ns2.baz))
I came up with a variation on huynhjl's answer, replacing the match
with a map
val gn = (Map[String, List[String]]() /: names) { (acc, name) =>
acc ++ findNamespace(name).map(ns => ns -> (name :: acc.getOrElse(ns, Nil)))
I would suggest "filter first, then groupBy" method, like this:
scala> val names = List("", "", "ns2.baz", "froznit")
names: List[java.lang.String] = List(,, ns2.baz, froznit)
scala> val namespaces = List("ns1", "ns2")
namespaces: List[java.lang.String] = List(ns1, ns2)
scala> names filter { n => namespaces exists { n startsWith _ } } groupBy { _ take 3 }
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[java.lang.String]] = Map(ns1 -> List(, ns2 -> List(, ns2.baz))