
Identify / Remove differences in identically build .NET exe's

I am bac开发者_如何学Gok trying to compare two .exe's, this time with some changes.

  • Building project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  • Project target framework = .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile

I build the project, run dumpbin /rawdata on the .exe and output to a text file. Next I re-build the project and run dumpbin /rawdata on the new .exe and output to a new text file. I then CRC each one to make sure they are the same (no changes are made between builds).

I am getting different CRC values. When I run the raw data through windiff I am seeing differences in the Raw Data #1 section, which I believe is actual data generated from the source code of the project (please correct if I'm wrong).

There are 3 areas of difference in Raw Data #1, one of which includes a .pdb.


  1. Does anyone know where I can turn off debugging information in VS 2010 (similar to Project Property Pages -> Config Properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Debug Info in VS 2005)
  2. Are there any tricks to finding out where the highlighted differences in WINDIFF actually exist in the source code?

Thank you, ZayJay

PS - feel free to ask for clarifications, and thanks a ton again. I've searched for a while with little success. So glad I found this resource.

EDIT / UPDATE My shift has now turned to compiling the code with ngen to bypass MSIL and whatever was showing up as differences there. One of the differences was in this area: <PrivateImplementationDetails>{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}.Dictionary... and I cannot make anything from the ascii in the other difference (I got rid of the .pdb info).

I would like to know if there is a way to view / extract the compiled code for viewing.

I've tried ngen display "App Name" and searching in WINDOWS/assembly but cannot find anything relevant (also, i do not know 100% what I am looking for either...)

Thanks for your time, ZayJay





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